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Texture Swap Programs

The Semi Arid Area program replaced the old MS Default Swap in the TNW 2016 version which will sort out a lot of the intermediate areas between desert and green, this is still work in progress in TNW 2019 a lot of all new texture sets have been added. The challenges for me is hopefully to make it useable for the heavy metal flyers at 30,000ft who take of in one Restore Area and land in another. The main noticeable differences in The Natural World 2019 are the Dense Autogen, plus more X2 tweak enhanced textures. Work will carry on throughout the year on all projects, I will as always try to prioritizes all support work.  



My Cockpit Build

I am hoping to restart work on my home build projection cockpit. I will still be plugging away with TNW I still have a lot of new ideas but little time, summers I like to spend in the garden jobbing, only a little bit of landscaping left to do there, winters are best indoors staying cuddly warm with the wife




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